Hi! I'm Mosey Abe

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I am a digital designer with a passion for web design and coding


About Me

Hi there, I'm Mosey Abe, a Digital Designer and Front-End Developer. My passion for creating digital products started at a young age when I designed logos for Minecraft servers and created videos for Adobe competitions at the age of 12. Since then, I've progressed into designing for elementary and high school yearbooks, and eventually creating branding, websites, and social media for local charities. Currently, I am a full-time student in my 3rd year at Humber College working towards my advanced diploma in Graphic Design. I am also a freelance designer for small businesses such as Evolution Online LLC and Bars And Tone LTD.

As a Digital Designer, I use software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create visually appealing designs for websites, apps, and other digital products. I am also knowledgeable in user interface design, creating designs that are intuitive and easy to use. My web development skills include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I am able to develop websites that are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

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